How To Support Someone With Cancer

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Learning that a loved one has cancer can be upsetting, sad, and even devastating. It’s natural to question what you can do to help. Remember that there are no rules for helping a cancer patient. Consider your particular relationship and strive to assist in ways that your friend will understand and appreciate. You may feel uneasy, even afraid, at first, but you must treat the individual the same way you did before the diagnosis. And, to be there for your friend, you must overcome your doubt.

It might be upsetting to learn that a friend has cancer. Before you see them, take some time to acknowledge and cope with your feelings regarding the diagnosis. In this manner, you can keep your attention on your friend.

Your acquaintance may be reluctant to provide the specifics for various reasons. Repeating the same material to multiple people can be physically and emotionally exhausting. If possible, the individual’s spouse or a close acquaintance may be able to provide you with the fundamentals. Make a note of it and repeat it back to them to ensure that you have the correct information. Do not press for more information if it is unknown or has not been shared.

Here are some helpful tips to show your support for your loved one who’s going through cancer:

  • Ask permission. 
  • Make plans. 
  • Be flexible.
  • Laugh together. 
  • Allow for sadness. 
  • Check in.
  • Offer to help. 
  • Follow through. 
  • Treat them the same.
  • Talk about topics other than cancer. 
  • Read their blog, web page, or group emails.

Knowing or being cautious about what you are going to say is also very important. Here are some things you can say to help them understand that you care and support them:

  • I am sorry for what has occurred to you.
  • If you ever want to talk, I’m here to listen.
  • What are your plans, and how can I help?
  • I am concerned about you.
  • I’m thinking about you.

Never tell them phrases that show you know better or tell them you know how they feel. It would be more intimidating to them rather than helpful. Also, let them know that it is okay if they don’t reply or feel like talking to you either.

A friend who has cancer appreciates your assistance with daily duties and housework. Be inventive in your service. Remember that your friend’s needs may vary, so be willing to adjust your plans as necessary. Inform them that you are available if an unanticipated need arises.

If your buddy finds it challenging to accept practical assistance, you might gently remind them that you do not want them to return the favor and do it because you care.

Lastly, putting together a support group is an excellent method to assist a cancer-stricken loved one. Some online communities provide tools to help friends and carers coordinate duties. For example, online calendars that can be shared might help you schedule activities with your friends and family. You can also build a paper calendar and handwrite all your activities and commitments. Make sure your acquaintance has access to the calendar to know when and what to expect.

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